Monday, November 19, 2012

Colds and Fans

So since my last post I caught a pretty bad cold, which included me having to lean over the toilet and end up with a very bad taste in my mouth. *shudders* I'm much better now, and finally have the energy to write some more.
What I'm working on right now is of course #1 my NaNo novel. It actually turned into two different books, because I don't know which one I'd rather have being put into five different print copies, but unfortunately, it might turn into three books. AHHH!!! I'm so indecisive, it might kill me one day and send me into one of my stories. *thinks of potential plot bunny* NO! Disperse, evil plot bunny!!!!!!!! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!!
Now that that's out of the way....
My one book(which has the most progress done) called Fallen Eternity is already over halfway done. My MC(main character) is currently being held as a prisoner, and there is an epic scene coming up pretty soon. All I'm going to say right now is that things are going to change for the worse for her. Poor girl.
My second book, The Princess Thief has gone on hold since I got sick. One reason I haven't written anything else for it is because...I know what I want to happen next, but...*returns from huggling fellow author after she killed off charrie* Killing off one of our characters can be kind of emotional for us. I should know, because it's going to happen to me soon. *dreads* Back to what I was saying earlier, I know what I want to happen next in The Princess Thief, but getting there is kind of boring. I'm going to be really honest and say that I HATE writing boring stuff. I'm kind of like a tomboy when it comes to action. I'd much rather watch a horror movie than some chick-flick that my non-writing friends go crazy over. (I don't know what my writing friends watch)
And finally, my third book, Darkness Calling is about this girl who finds out that she's really the daughter of a faerie regent from the Dark Court. And she is VERY terrified of the dark, which makes things really complicated for her life. This is eventually going to turn into a series that is going to include SO MUCH from other characters. This book is going to be one of those books that includes more than one person's POV(point of view), which I love to read in other books.
So, after that long blog post, I guess that's all that's going on for now. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and don't get trampled on Black Friday.  That's the day where I REALLY avoid people in stores.
Good day and good bye!

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