Thursday, December 6, 2012

'Tis a Very Good Day Indeed!

Aye, it is a very good day for me.
#1 being, I got the results back from my MRI and everything looks good, which means...
#2 I CAN GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, the main reason behind this happy post(besides being able to return to school) is that I have decided to do reviews like my two awesome friends Jami and Bryce. I think that it is really amazing that they are hosting a blog together and are able to review a book with--just like the name of their blog-dual perspectives.
Here's the link to their blog.
I did start reviewing on my first blog from forever ago, but since I barely used it(and lost the password and motivation) I ended up quitting that blog. Since then, I made the decision to go into film for a career but still keeping writing as my main priority until I make it to film school. So until film school becomes a part of my life, I am going to keep on writing to my heart's content without having to start putting that goal into motion. Now, I still make home movies from time to time, but writing has always been my thing. And the one thing I get my inspiration from is books that have been written so amazingly, that I never want to put it down. Which is why I have decided to pick up the story reviewing once again.
Now I say story reviewing, because I am not only going to be reviewing books that have already been published, but I will also be reviewing other peoples' stories that have been posted on sites such as Wattpad, Figment, and this new site Hexbound. I have told everyone I know affiliated with these sites that I will review their projects, whether they are finished or not. Whatever you have is fine with me. I do not care if you haven't finished writing it yet. As aspiring writers like myself, we want feedback and we want people to know about our WIP(work in progress). Feedback is how writers grow in their writings, and I know that if someone offered something like this to me, I would have jumped at the opportunity. We all want to get our writing out there, and having reviews made is probably the best thing I can think of to help along that writing journey that all authors travel down.
So until my next post,
Good day and goodbye!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

NaNoWriMo & Samurai

Well, it seemed like this day was so far off, yet it came faster than I thought it would.

I haven't been feeling very well for the past few days, but that didn't stop me from finishing my Nano novel(only barely). Now I have the time and motivation to update my other two books as well as rewrite my other book The Seer.

Hooray, for an awesome cover!!!!! It took me about 10 other covers before this awesomeness came around. This was the first book I ever wrote, and when I started, I intended for this to be the first book I ever published. That seems to be very possible in the near future, but I might start off with publishing it as an e-book first before going into print. Plus, I really don't want to talk to anyone on the phone to publish in print, because I think I have a phobia when it comes to talking on the phone. I don't even call my own friends on the phone. D: Yeah, I know. It's horrible, but definitely something I can't help right now.
To celebrate my finishing Nano by the end of my furry fox tail, I decided to watch The Last Samurai. Let me just say that I am such a crier when it comes to this movie. The end just brings out all of my feels and I can't hold back the tears. It's probably because I have learned so much about the Japanese culture that I may have grown attached to it, or the soundtrack is just that powerful. *thinks about it* No, it's both.
It's definitely a movie that I will tell EVERYONE to watch. And if they don't like it, then they better stay away from me, otherwise I might go samurai on them.
I never used to be a fan of Tom Cruise's acting(mostly cause I only saw Mission Impossible and didn't really like it that much), but when I saw The Last Samurai...I was completely blown away at how amazing he was with his character. His performance was the most outstanding thing I have ever seen in my life. And I've seen a lot of performances, whether it be movies, TV shows, or plays by my church or school.
Anyway, that's all that's been going on in my life so far. This week I'll be going to the doctor(again :P) to get an MRI done. Hopefully by then I can finally figure out why I keep getting so lightheaded. I really miss being at school. So...
Good day and goodbye!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Colds and Fans

So since my last post I caught a pretty bad cold, which included me having to lean over the toilet and end up with a very bad taste in my mouth. *shudders* I'm much better now, and finally have the energy to write some more.
What I'm working on right now is of course #1 my NaNo novel. It actually turned into two different books, because I don't know which one I'd rather have being put into five different print copies, but unfortunately, it might turn into three books. AHHH!!! I'm so indecisive, it might kill me one day and send me into one of my stories. *thinks of potential plot bunny* NO! Disperse, evil plot bunny!!!!!!!! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!!
Now that that's out of the way....
My one book(which has the most progress done) called Fallen Eternity is already over halfway done. My MC(main character) is currently being held as a prisoner, and there is an epic scene coming up pretty soon. All I'm going to say right now is that things are going to change for the worse for her. Poor girl.
My second book, The Princess Thief has gone on hold since I got sick. One reason I haven't written anything else for it is because...I know what I want to happen next, but...*returns from huggling fellow author after she killed off charrie* Killing off one of our characters can be kind of emotional for us. I should know, because it's going to happen to me soon. *dreads* Back to what I was saying earlier, I know what I want to happen next in The Princess Thief, but getting there is kind of boring. I'm going to be really honest and say that I HATE writing boring stuff. I'm kind of like a tomboy when it comes to action. I'd much rather watch a horror movie than some chick-flick that my non-writing friends go crazy over. (I don't know what my writing friends watch)
And finally, my third book, Darkness Calling is about this girl who finds out that she's really the daughter of a faerie regent from the Dark Court. And she is VERY terrified of the dark, which makes things really complicated for her life. This is eventually going to turn into a series that is going to include SO MUCH from other characters. This book is going to be one of those books that includes more than one person's POV(point of view), which I love to read in other books.
So, after that long blog post, I guess that's all that's going on for now. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and don't get trampled on Black Friday.  That's the day where I REALLY avoid people in stores.
Good day and good bye!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13 And Still Going Strong!!!

So I haven't really posted anything since close to the beginning of the month. I've been so preoccupied with NaNoWriMo, that I've had to take a break a few minutes ago after writing for the past six hours. :P That includes writing everything out on paper first and then typing it onto my computer. *sighs from weary writing*
Here's my currents stats so far. Yeah, the main parts where there's like seven days of no change...well, I forgot to update my word count because I was
Anyway, I'm super excited for this year, because once I'm finished with my NaNo project, I can get five free printed copies from CreateSpace!!!!! I'm thinking of some pretty cool Christmas gifts for some friends of mine. ;) I am hoping to write a lot in this project, which reminds me, I need to get into my other charries' POVs. hmm Looks like my hands are going to be really sore before the night's out.
Enjoy this random pic of me.....

Until next time...
Good day and goodbye!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaNoWriMo & A Really Cool Contest!

So, of course I've been planning for NaNoWriMo for....ever! I think I started planning my project out since the end of summer. Today is Day 1 and already I'm just ahead of my daily word goal. *pats herself on the back* I've never really gotten that far in just on day, especially since it's the 1st day.
Some other stuff going on...I found out about this really cool contest by seeing a couple of my friends post this pretty cool graphic on their FB page.

Beth Revis(the original poster of this graphic) went on to suggest people with blogs to post about how much they really love YA fiction. I'll start off by saying I love YA fiction's just so freaking awesome! I probably have at least 50 hard copies of YA books in my room as we speak, and another 130 on my Kindle, so it's well over 200 books in my own personal library. I also find it the easiest thing to write. Other kinds of fiction...I just have a hard time getting into it and it just bores me. That's not the case with YA fiction. Also, it has the largest range of readers out of the other kinds of fiction. At least, that's what it looks like whenever I'm on Facebook. I NEVER hear anything about adult fiction or anything like that. I constantly hear something about YA fiction, like The Hunger Games, Twilight(ugh!), or Divergent(^_^). To end this post...Why else would I like YA fiction? It's so amazing and there's so much to do with it. It also keeps me motivated and inspired whenever I write my own books, which is a huge plus.
So goodbye and good day!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another Day= Another Day in the Doctor's Office

I know it's been a few days since my first post. I actually haven't done much writing or reading lately, though I have gotten some new books on my kindle, so maybe I'll do a review on one of those books. :) One reason I haven't really written too much, is, well, writers block. Hopefully, later today, I'll be able to get some actually writing done for my one book Fallen Eternity. Another reason I haven't really done anything is because I've been pretty sick, which I just got over that junk. But today, I had to go to my doctor for what seemed to be my 6th appointment since the start of summer. The reason being, for the past few years, I've had to deal with this lightheadeness that sometimes gives me headaches and makes me nauseous. I'm praying that we figure out what the heck is causing it all so I can actually go back to school.
Anyway, that's all that's going on so far. I'll try to get some writing done, and maybe some reading.
Until my next post...
Good day and goodbye!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1st post!!!

Yeah, so this is my very first post on this blog. I had another blog, but barely used it. So I decided to start a new one where I can actually be serious about my blogging, which will mostly consist of me talking about my writing(hence the name of the blog), book reviews--whether they be published books or stories from a writing website called Wattpad, and/or possibly other things in my life. I may post some small snippets of my writings here and there, so definitely keep an eye out for those. Some books that I review will most likely be re-read, mostly since I haven't read them in a long while, and I easily forget what happens.
Until my next post...
Good day and goodbye!