Monday, July 1, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo Day1!!!!

Hey guys! I know it has been quite a while since I last posted anything, but things have been really busy over the past few weeks. I've been getting settled into a new house and just last week had to drive up to DC to help my old church with VBS this year.
Why would I drive to a different state to help with something, you may ask?
Because I love my old church, and VBS is always a lot of fun with them!!!!!!!!!
But now that VBS is over, I've been planning my writings recently for a big reason. CAMP NANOWRIMO!!!!!!
I can't believe today is already the first day of Camp NaNo, but... it's here!
I have been planning so much for this month. I'm basically taking the time this month to rewrite an old book that I just haven't had the time to work on for the past two years, what with school and everything else in life. This is what I have determined to be the final rewrite before I begin plans to publish this book. Obviously, there will be editing to fix all of the grammar mistakes and such, but other than that, I have finally decided that this has to be the LAST time I rewrite this book.
I will not be posting any information on what this book is, or what it is about until I am well past maybe 15, 000 words, which will probably be within the next week or two (depending on how well my writing and motivation holds out). I will, however, be posting little sneak peaks on my fan page on Facebook. You can go check it out and see the random things I've been doing, but the most things I will be doing on there is posting little snippets of what I've written each day.
Until next time!
Good day and Goodbye!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I'm Back!

I know it has been a really long time since my last blog post, but things got extremely hectic at school before the summer started. And even when I got back from school, my family was in the process of moving to a new place which kept me away from any internet access for some time.
This summer, I am planning on reading so many books, writing reviews on them while reading, and finishing editing my first book The Seer. I have a lot of plans for that book, such as making it a two-part book, which means I will probably be publishing the first part before I add the second part.
Other than that, there is nothing really new going on in my life, so I will poof out of here for right now until I finish reading a new book or writing something in one of my stories.
Until my next post,
Goodday and goodbye!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Update on Life

Hey, everyone! How have you been?
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but for some reason, my ability to post anything had developed a fault for some time.
By this time tomorrow, I will finally be back at school after having to stay home to take care of health issues, which we still have no idea what is going on with me. :P Though I may be at school, I will still try to find time to post on here.
Something I can't wait for is my fellow writer and friend Jami Montgomery. She has a new book coming out  in just eight days.
See this awesome pic? This is the cover for Jami's new book. I am so excited for this to come out. You have no idea. I recommend everyone go buy this the minute it comes out.
Until my next post,
Good day and goodbye!