Thursday, December 6, 2012

'Tis a Very Good Day Indeed!

Aye, it is a very good day for me.
#1 being, I got the results back from my MRI and everything looks good, which means...
#2 I CAN GO BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, the main reason behind this happy post(besides being able to return to school) is that I have decided to do reviews like my two awesome friends Jami and Bryce. I think that it is really amazing that they are hosting a blog together and are able to review a book with--just like the name of their blog-dual perspectives.
Here's the link to their blog.
I did start reviewing on my first blog from forever ago, but since I barely used it(and lost the password and motivation) I ended up quitting that blog. Since then, I made the decision to go into film for a career but still keeping writing as my main priority until I make it to film school. So until film school becomes a part of my life, I am going to keep on writing to my heart's content without having to start putting that goal into motion. Now, I still make home movies from time to time, but writing has always been my thing. And the one thing I get my inspiration from is books that have been written so amazingly, that I never want to put it down. Which is why I have decided to pick up the story reviewing once again.
Now I say story reviewing, because I am not only going to be reviewing books that have already been published, but I will also be reviewing other peoples' stories that have been posted on sites such as Wattpad, Figment, and this new site Hexbound. I have told everyone I know affiliated with these sites that I will review their projects, whether they are finished or not. Whatever you have is fine with me. I do not care if you haven't finished writing it yet. As aspiring writers like myself, we want feedback and we want people to know about our WIP(work in progress). Feedback is how writers grow in their writings, and I know that if someone offered something like this to me, I would have jumped at the opportunity. We all want to get our writing out there, and having reviews made is probably the best thing I can think of to help along that writing journey that all authors travel down.
So until my next post,
Good day and goodbye!